Thursday, November 15, 2012


    On November 15th, 1979, I experienced something unexplainable that changed the direction of my life forever. It was on that day thirty three years ago that I experienced what many call an angelic encounter. To commemorate that day, I have written A Prayer For Angelic Healing and have made it available on ... When I first entered into the digital publishing market, I used to put out electronic prayer cards that contained a prayer for healing, heavenly help etc. I thought that it was a great way for people who collect prayers to have some of the classics as well as some great modern prayers on their electronic devices wherever they may go. Many of those electronic prayer cards are still selling in great volumes today and are an abvious source of strength and comfort to many. Thus I thought that it would be a great way to honor the angelic kingdom and my own guardian angel by writing this prayer and making the healing power of the angels available to all.... May the angels touch each and every one of your lives today in miraculous ways.

This is a non-denominational prayer for angelic healing that allows every person, no matter their faith or beliefs, to tap into the healing power of the angels. The prayer card contains instructions on saying the prayer and the prayer for angelic healing. Please note that this prayer was written and designed by a certified angelic healer and has been blessed and infused with angelic energies before publication; this will give those who use the prayer an extra healing boost upon reciting the words.

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