Sunday, October 14, 2012


    Starting tomorrow, Monday October 15th 2012, we will be having angel week on the blog. Angel week will kick off by offering my book, An Angel Came Down, free on This is one of my favorite books to date that I have authored. It chronicles my own personal angel encounter that has spanned many years and is 208 pages. This book will always have a special place in my heart and my hope in writing it was that it would bring light and courage into the life of the reader. It really is a book for us all and touches on many subjects that deal with the human condition.

   Starting on Tuesday, I will be doing an angelic reading on the blog every day while the book is being offered. I think this will be a great way for us all to get in touch with the angelic energies and raise our thoughts to a higher place. I hope you will all get a free copy of the book and be here every day for angel week. I feel this is going to be a very special week...

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