Tuesday, July 31, 2012


     Good morning everyone, it has been a while since my last blog; and the blog once again has undergone some changes. As many of you know I have spent the last year taking numerous psychic courses in order to become properly certified for my new endeavor in life. Well, the courses have been completed and I am launching out into the realm of a professional psychic. You will see on the side of the blog new information and an email address in which to contact me for readings.

     I have had deep knowings, visions and dreams since I was quite young, and in 1996 I began giving Rune readings to people in the local area. I then expanded into giving Angel readings and now have added the Tarot to my list of tools. So all of this is not really new to me; it is just that most folks feel more comfortable getting a reading from someone who has been certified in the field... hence all of the classes.

     I will still talk about future writing projects on the blog as they come into being, and post words of spiritual insight here and there. But I think for the most part, the blog will consist of daily mini readings, sort of a daily forecast if you will. I am excited about this new direction in life and am now embarking upon a path that I had always wanted to walk.....



1 comment:

  1. Hey Paul ! My name is Cheryl Wittmann. Not sure how I ended up signed up for your blogs. It was an accident. A cool accident of course. Im very busy and hardly stop to read such things but couldnt help but notice that I get a new email from you every day. At first I would delete them without giving it a chance then a few caught my eye and I started to save them to read for later. Now I read them on the train to work daily. I love your blogs and am inspired by your passion and knowledge. Keep on sending the emails. I enjoy reading them and hope to talk with you soon. Find me www.facebook.com/auricfields . I would love to experience one of your readings. I have alot going on right now and potential job opportunities and can use some advice on which direction to take or how to land the right job suited for me where I can make enough money and be happy. So how do I set up a reading with you ? You will be my first actual psychic reading besides getting jipped by a few New York City so called psychics .



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