Monday, April 23, 2012


    Don't concentrate on the things that make you unhappy; visualize, and feel the joy that comes with having what you desire. Close your eyes and imagine that standing before you is a pole; at the bottom of the pole is the thing you do not want, at the top of the pole is your greatest wish. Imagine that there is a lever on the pole that you can move up and down to different degrees of success and attainment. Move the lever to the top of the pole, letting it come to rest on your desire, then harmonize with that deire... experience it, feel it, live in that moment as if it were already yours. After a few moments, open your eyes and go about your day. Do not think about your desire again until you have time to harmonize with the pole in the quiet of your mind. This is a very powerful Hermetic method of manifestation. 


  1. Why don't you explain hermetisism a tad more before eshuing techniques so that people know what and why they are doing something. Why is it powerful?. Or what is hermetics? Better yet give them a link to where u get your information.. We are and we are not all knowing beings and some of us need resources to support our doings.. I know hermetisism from studying it butvotherwise I would have no idea what your talking about.. And I see that being a truth for others.. What you explain is powerful but why?

  2. Good points BonqCraez... and I do plan on talking about Hermetics more during the week. Hang in there, more is coming. :-)

  3. Interesting. Of course, having had sons, I'm quickly distracted by visions of children climbing the pole. Harmony sidetracked by memory

  4. Exactly, you're very kind of us about comment!. visit this site



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