Wednesday, February 22, 2012

More On The Runes

     The runes truly are a mystical stone. Many people use them for divination, self counseling and even in magick rites. Some have said that the runes always speak to us from the depths of our own hearts when we use them in any meditation practice, and I have always found this to be true. I first discovered the runes back in 1994, and I have to say, whenever I read the runes for any purpose; I always find their message more than accurate. I personally have found the runes to be one of the most effective divination tools that man has ever been blessed with. They are not scary and forboding, so one should have no fear when thinking of taking up the runes. If you come across a particular book that seems dark or creepy, discard it. There are many authors who desire to interpret the runes in some strange and fearful manner, but there are many more authors who use the runes to lift us up. No divination or self counseling tool should be designed to put apprehension in our hearts and minds; this is always counter productive. A true oracle will always give you wisdom and light, and if there is trouble ahead it will tell you how to avoid it. So with all that being said, perhaps you would like to put your fears and doubts away and cast the runes today.

Rune Books by P.J. Caiden

(Taking Up The Runes; Coming Soon)

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