Monday, February 6, 2012


     Dear friends and followers of my Blog; Please note that there have been some changes made to my Blog recently. The Blog is no longer Metaphysical Concepts, but is now, THE MIND'S EYE... (The Official Blog Of Author P.J. Caiden)

     Why the changes?  As I branch out as an author, I felt it would be more suitable to have a blog name that does not seem to evoke one certain genre in the writing field. Fear not, I will still be putting out plenty of spiritual/metaphysical work, but there will also be the occasional novel sprinkled into the mix. I have a lot of good story ideas that I want to put out there for people to read. I feel that now is the time to spread my creative wings and be able to go where the muse leads me. I hope you will all continue to follow my Blog, there is a lot of interesting projects and even guest bloggers coming in the near future.


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