Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Book Of Runes

     The Book of Runes by Ralph H. Blum is a book that should grace every library. The wisdom contained within its pages is timeless, and as a self counseling tool it is second to none. I think in the age we live in, people certainly need to get in touch with their inner voice. Morality seems to be at an all time low and many are motivated by power and greed. I could sit here and write a word of wisdom each day to try and plant as a seed in the world; and that is all well and fine. But then the more I pondered the situation, I came to the conclusion that I can also offer tools to people who may need them. Then perhaps those people will pass the tools on to someone else, and so on. I can think of no better tool to offer today than The book of Runes.


  1. Thanks for including this magical instruction in your daily post. Life is to be lived and wisdom helps us live more powerfully and more gently.
    Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. ~Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

  2. The runes are a great way to get in touch with our higher selves... I plan to do another longer project involving the runes later on. They truly are an oracle that rises to the needs of the generation they serve.



      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...