Thursday, June 8, 2017


    Just sharing a poem that I wrote this evening; I hope you all enjoy it.


 Familiarity fades into the lonely hush of time,
 the world vibrates with hollow echoes
 as the song birds sing their soulless songs.
 This dwelling becomes a cave,
 illuminated by dancing midnight fires -
 ghosts of prophets speak of wisdom
 as we sit in solitude within this desert of shadows.
 Divine presence hovers at the edge of our reality,
 bringing deeper revelation to those in exile -
 what of the two men, whose third companion is God?

Paul James Caiden 6/8/2017

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


     Is it any wonder that countries are always going to war, and there's always drama of some type hanging in the ether. Because people always talk, but nobody listens. Everyone's just concerned about stating what THEY WANT. Or, they make themselves the victim and never hear what the other party is truly saying. The great lost art of communication is truly lost, and I don't see how any person or any country can progress without the ability to listen. The answer: learn to be compassionate and understanding. If a person cannot do that, then they will never truly communicate with another being. And then, every conversation, every verbal exchange of any kind just becomes a hodgepodge of blame, selfishness and ego. We need to stop doing this before humanity loses every ounce of its humanity.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


    Nature is a reflection of the Divine: It's peaceful Meadows, majestic trees and rolling landscapes depict the tranquility of Spirit; while it's nourishing rains, autumn harvests and fruits of the land show us the giving, plentiful nature of the Universe.

    But man plows under the landscapes, and builds numerous towers that crowd upon one another. The swaying grass of the open meadows are replaced with highways and sidewalks. In the name of progress, we turn the beauty of our world into cluttered mazes that can sometimes inspire anxiety by there very sight. And inside those clusters of buildings that clutter the land are individuals with cluttered minds. Minds that worry all day long about money, medical issues, how to make the biggest profit on the little guy, and how to get ahead in the rat race of a life constructed by men whose minds are void of spirits inspiration. Is it any wonder there's so much depression, disease and other issues in our world today. Most of us are living in environments that are not natural for humans to exist in. Nature is becoming extinct, and God is reduced to a fairytale.

    What kind of environment do you want to live in? Are you happy in the concrete jungles or do you wish to live near the mountains, trees and running brooks? And perhaps even more importantly, what does your inner landscape look like? Does it reflect the clutter and anxiety of the world around you, or is it peaceful, gentle and serene like an evening breeze whispering through the summer leaves? A person can live right in the middle of chaos, yet have great peace within if he or she chooses to pursue it. Remember, nature is a reflection of the Divine... And that nature can be reflected in you, if you take the time to meditate upon it and welcome it into your being.


Monday, June 5, 2017


    In my time of spiritual reflection and prayer this morning, I found myself uttering these words as I contemplated the terror attacks that are going on in the UK right now. It was almost as if someone were speaking the words through me. Afterwards, I realized, it's easy to feel hatred and anger. But then I asked myself the question, do those emotions truly lead us to the path of victory? If we kill a man who kills someone else, friends of that man will retaliate and try to kill us. Of course we have to defend ourselves, sometimes there's no other choice. But perhaps guns and bombs are not our ultimate solution. Maybe we should all contemplate the words of the prayer below, and then say it ourselves, from our hearts. After all, if those who hate and kill actually had an encounter with divine love; it would revolutionize their lives. There's no way that it couldn't. Contemplate, pray and pass these words along.

    O' that those who interpret their religion as violence and fear, would encounter the love and peace of God. For when one experiences the love of God for one minute, one hour, one day... he will crave it for the rest of his life and seek its light daily. Only then will the hateful disregard the treacherous teachings of men, and followed the true guidance God speaks in the depths of their hearts. This guidance cannot be found in any book, or in the words of finite man; but can only be found when a soul turns to God and opens to him like a flower to the sun. May the God of love reveal himself to all those who tread the path of a dark and fearful philosophy... and may they know the unexplainable joy that comes by walking in his radiant light.



      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...