Tuesday, April 28, 2015


SPRING - The time of rebirth, new life and new beginnings. Also the time to plant new seed and prepare for the harvest.

SUMMER - A season of strength, youthful energy, play and hard work as we nurture the new seeds we have planted.

AUTUMN - The season of celebration, preparation and reaping what we have sown. The golden years of life

WINTER - The season of sleep, slumber and the passing away of the old. A time of death that leads  to rebirth somewhere in the eternal mystery. The time when we reap the rewards of our life's harvest.

    No matter which season we are in right now, all of us are progressing towards that ultimate winter. It is there, that we will either advance into the higher spiritual realms or be stunted by the choices we made in our lives here on earth. May all the seeds we plant, and the work we do be of positivity, love and light. For then, our final harvest will be truly bountiful.

Monday, April 27, 2015


    There are so many complaints today about not being responsible: No one ever returns important phone calls, scheduled appointments never show up, the fax never gets sent and even close friends leave us hanging when we need them most. It seems many people want the instant gratification of others fulfilling their personal needs NOW, but they are not willing to do the same for others. It may sound harsh to say, but our societies have become shallow and selfish. No one seems to really care that much about how anyone else feels or what impact their negative actions have on others. Most people pay more attention to their Smart Phones and other gadgets than they do those around them. I personally believe that this is because we have lost the value of personal responsibility. After all, morality has fallen to a very low point in recent years; we scoff at the idea of God/Goddess and think we can do whatever we want without any spiritual or karmic repercussions. So what difference does it make then, if we treat others poorly or become so self absorbed that we would bypass a dying man on the street and not turn our gaze for nano-second in his direction to try and assist him?

     It used to be said that it is the little things we do for others that count the most. But now, the little things are mostly forgotten and hardly anyone is willing to go out on a limb for anybody else. Personal responsibility, it is something we all need to get back to. If planet earth is a school where souls come to learn the lessons of selflessness and love, then sadly, most people are failing the course miserably! Maybe it's time that we all stop the nonsense and try a little harder to get some A's on our universal report card. Just think what life on earth will become if we don't!

Friday, April 10, 2015


    It is easy to lay down and let people walk over you. Most of us would never even dream of sticking up for ourselves or speaking our mind when being wrongly treated. We are told that to do so is unspiritual, asking for more trouble or just plain not worth it. When we listen to such advice we soon take on a martyr complex. This should not be so, after all, you have a perfect right to happiness and fair treatment in life; you are not a doormat for the world. This does not mean that you have to go crazy and put someone through a wall, but it does mean you can speak your mind and let others know that you are not their punching bag or fall guy. It is not unspiritual to stick up for yourself but it can be detrimental to your well being and self esteem not to.

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    When you unzip yourself and let the real you emerge, many parts of your old life will fall away. Friends will abandon you, and well meaning voices will call out to you and tell you that you that you are being foolish. Many shifts and changes will occur... But what arises out of the ashes of the old will be greater and more fulfilling than you ever thought it could be. Never fear change, never fear loss, never fear that people will think your crazy... Just be who you really are!

Thursday, April 9, 2015


    It's never too early to give a nod to the greatest night of the year... Halloween!

From the album, The Hills They Are Hollow


      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...