Monday, June 23, 2014


    If you could step outside the walls that have been built around your life over the years, what do you think you would see? If you peered beyond the veil that society has draped over your consciousness, what do you think the world would look like?

Friday, June 20, 2014


    Coming soon, new website offering psychic readings, Reiki Healing, enchanted crystals and candle magick spells... stay tuned!

Thursday, June 19, 2014


    Today I would like to introduce you to my friend Melanie Moxon: Melanie has always had an interest in creative writing and has recently begun her literary journey; she has plans to begin work on her first novel soon, and in the meantime has started her own blog entitled; Mel's Creative writing. On her blog, Melanie shares snippets of writing that are both interesting and thought provoking. I hope you will all visit her blog, add her on Google and support her efforts. On a personal not, I would like to say that Melanie has a spirit that radiates goodness and light; folks like her deserve all the success the world has to offer.

"Write from your heart, be yourself. Like my short story, the meaning of life." Melanie Moxon

Mel's Creative Writing -

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


    Listen to the urgings of your soul and be who you are. Don't wear a mask that hides your true identity from the world... embrace your true destiny by being who and what the universe made you to be!

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Monday, June 16, 2014


    I feel that there are a number of people who need to hear this particular message today:  In the role of life, there are two kinds of people... those who need saving and those who try to save them. Sadly, it always seems that the person doing the saving has the life energy drained out of them, and many times even goes to an early grave. This of course, does not apply to those cases where the person needing saving actually turns their life around and becomes a productive member of society. It does however, apply to those cases where the person being saved does not wish to be helped. They may make small changes here and there or even promise to get their lives on track; but they never do. Thus, they slowly drain all hope and all life away from the person who is sincerely trying to help them make a better life for themselves.

    If you're in a situation like this today, perhaps it is time to think about yourself. Is it worth the price to make yourself physically ill and possibly meet with a premature death; while the troubled soul lives on and continues to make the same bad choices they made all their lives? It is not an easy thing to think about, especially when we see great potential in someone and truly care about them. But sometimes, we have to save ourselves by cutting ties with sinking ships that threaten to take us under with them, and possibly be the only real victim in the tragedy.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

2:39 AM

    Yeah, I can relate to the picture below... Wide awake at 2:39 am, back to sleep at 4:20 and up and 5:00! The word of wisdom for the day: SLEEP IS GOOD!

Thursday, June 12, 2014


    I thought I would end the week by recommending a book for those interested in a simple form of magick that gets positive results; Candle Burning Magic With the Psalms by William Oribello is a must have for any library... You never know when you will need a little extra help in life.

Order Your Copy At:

THE CRYSTAL SKULL - A Metaphysical Experiment

    The crystal skull is said to be a very powerful, metaphysical tool for healing and meditation. Today we will try an experiment; I have done Reiki on the photo of the Crystal skull below, with intent to bring mental clarity and healing to all who focus upon it. The instructions are as follows:

*If you need clarity for a situation in your life, pose the question to the universe or you higher power. Then gaze at the picture of the skull and allow your mind to relax... See if the answer comes to you immediately or in a few days.

*If you need healing of any kind, (mental, physical or spiritual,) gaze at the picture of the skull... relax your mind and just draw the healing energies into yourself.

For either exercise, you may gaze at or meditate upon the skull for as long as you feel the need to; there is no time limit here.

Please leave comments or email me with your results!

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


    It is true, that most of us don't live our lives with the afterlife in mind. We go about our business as if this were all there is and nothing we do matters. We fear the prospect of death and usually distract our minds from any thought of it.. But what if death is not the end, and what if our actions now do count towards where we go after this? I'm not saying there is a burning hell and any person can go there for the smallest of infringements; but what if this world is a school and how we live in it determines whether we need more school, demotion or advancement? Some say that hell is living in a place where we make the same painful mistakes over and over until we realize that our actions were wrong and grow in consciousness and spirit.... Maybe it's time that we started thinking outside of the box, and realize that there is more to this universe than meets the eye.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:


    Would you spend the night on this island?

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Monday, June 9, 2014


    I've seen a lot of strange things in my life; things that I know were definitely not hallucinations or just my imagination. I've often thought to write about these occurrences or put them into some kind of audio book project. And now, that the lazy, hazy days of summer are upon us... I am doing just that. With the working Title of "Portals of Darkness," I have begun to write about the many ghostly encounters I have experienced in my life. I hope to not only have this project out in written form, but also in audio as well... but the audio aspect is a bit challenging at the moment. Either way, this project should be out by summer's end, and I hope that many of you will pick up a copy and enjoy the read...

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Thursday, June 5, 2014


    It is true, that fear is the thing that should frighten us most... It has a way of manifesting things in our lives that are far more scary than that of a disembodied person passing by on its way to who knows where.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:


    I respect everyone's spiritual path, but there are some people that my heart truly goes out to. I feel genuinely sad for those who are steeped in religions that are overflowing with darkness and fear. In my days of church going, I saw a great many people who believed that the devil and his minions were everywhere; just waiting to deceive and harm them. They swore that evil spirits could attach you if you listened to rock music, watched movies, read certain books or even explored other religions. I once read a book where a pastor said he went to visit the Mormon temple in Utah. This man said that he felt demonic spirits all around the property. He then went on to record that one of these evil spirits tried to possess his young son on the premises... and that he had to cast it out.

    I have seen many, many religious folks become deathly afraid of any ghost-like activity because they believed that the "ghost" was actually a demonic entity. Such individuals believe that when a person passes away, they are immediately taken by the angels to either heaven or hell... therefore, there are no such things as ghosts; only demons masquerade as the deceased. Many church going people quote the words of Jesus, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." But has their religion truly given them freedom? Sadly, it appears that most are captives to fear and suspicion, rather than living a life of freedom. There are many in this world that are held prisoner by the demons of religion and they need to be set free by the light of logic, love and a clear concept about what the Divine Spirit is and is not. It is not an easy task to bring those who are over burdened with so much negative doctrine to place of realization and inner peace; but it can be done. If you know someone who is trapped in such a dismal mindset, do not be afraid to offer them a kernel of truth or wisdom. It may not be the key that sets them free... but it will always be a seed that can sprout into something greater later in their lives!

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


    It doesn't matter what we call it; every person has a force within them that can move mountains and transform their lives. When we truly believe in something, that force is released and goes to work on any problems that we may be facing. Some believe that God reaches down and makes the changes, that God IS THE FORCE.    But no, God put the force within our spiritual being... it is part of our spiritual makeup. Just as the physical body had organs and components, so does the spiritual part of us. That unseen force is just one of those components, and it is released by our faith and belief in a higher power to aid us in our time of need. It doesn't matter whether one uses prayer, magick, affirmations or whatever; they all aid us in releasing that spiritual force from within... Jesus said many times to those he healed, "thy faith has made thee whole." He knew that there was a certain something within us that drew upon the Divine energies of the universe, and could bring it right down to where we are!


For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Sunday, June 1, 2014


    How is it that prayer, magick, metaphysics and just plain old "having faith," can produce the same results of manifestation in a person's life? Ponder this and see what you come up with!

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:


      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...