Monday, May 26, 2014


    What if life after death is a lot like life here? What if we want to visit our loved ones left behind, but haven't figured out quite how to do it? What if there are laws and people just can't come and go as they please to pop in on family members and friends that are still on the earth? Just because something doesn't happen every day, or because we want it to, doesn't make it unreal or impossible. Think about it, we each have a soul, yet we cannot visit the realm of spirit anytime we see fit. What makes us think it's so different over there?


For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:


    Remembering all those who served our country today and died protecting our freedom. Let us never lose sight of their vision, bravery and sacrifice.

Friday, May 23, 2014


    Meditating on nature and knowing that there is a force in the universe that sustains it all can bring powerful revelations to the mind.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


    Say what you mean or don't say anything at all... Don't be like those who speak empty words into the air just because they are popular to say. And don't speak words that you think someone else wants to hear; speak the truth with honesty... and mean it!


    No one has the power to bring you up from the ashes when life seems to be burning down all around you... Only you know what you need, only you know what will make you strong again. Only you can make the decision to stand on your feet once you have been knocked down by a devastating blow. Others can support you, but you are the one who holds the key to the gates of your own personal heaven on earth. To wallow in tears will never change anything; to come up off the canvas swinging even when you don't feel you have the strength... that's the game changer! Don't be like the person in the picture above, waiting for someone to notice how beaten down you are, make a choice to pursue inner peace and happiness and then go after it with all of your might.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Monday, May 19, 2014


    If you believe that God would send people to war, or to kill others just because they have a different religion; then you may have the wrong idea about God. If you believe that God thinks it's okay for you to beat your wife or raises one sex above the other... then you may have the wrong idea about God. If you believe that God is interested in real estate upon the earth and has a certain acre that is deemed the ultimate holy land; then you may have the wrong idea about God. If you think God needs your money; then you may have the wrong idea about God... I think it's time that some of us reevaluate this whole concept of God and figure out if he is like us... or are we suppose to be more like him/her.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


    I saw the new Godzilla movie over the weekend... and for all you giant monster fans out there, I give it a B+ .. It was a good movie, the monsters looked great and the visuals were awesome. As far as monster movies go, they tried to tell a story here and did not clutter up the screen with scene after scene of mass destruction. The only down side of this; I personally wish that Godzilla had a bit more screen time and the monster fight scenes were extended. This was definitely a movie where I wanted to see more of the creature because he was impressive to behold... And his atomic breath was miles above the old Japanese version. But all in all, Godzilla is still king of the monsters!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


    "There is a truth and it's on our side... Dawn is coming open your eyes!" Great lyrics from a great song that can take on many meanings for the listener. Follow the link below and get swept away to wherever this melody takes you!

Jose Gonzales - Stay alive

Monday, May 12, 2014


    None of us are immune to the injuries that the past may have inflicted upon us. A certain time of the year, a song or even a place can cause toxic memories to flood into our minds without warning or defense. It can level us and take the wind completely out of our sails... It can knock us to the ground emotionally like a debilitating blow. I think this is normal for most of us that have had unpleasant experiences in our past. But the key to surviving these attacks is to not stay down for the count. Get up, fight back, have a plan to lift yourself up out of that emotional mire both mentally and spiritually. Once you learn how to do that, you can overcome the past just as quickly as it might rear its ugly head and try to overcome you.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Friday, May 9, 2014


    Who says that God has to be an angry, bearded man on a throne? Why could not the Divine embody feminine qualities as well? It may be hard for our Western culture to accept, but the idea of a Goddess predates the male God by thousands of years. Many cultures have believed and still do believe in the Goddess... Even the Hebrew God Jehovah once had a female counter part. But sadly, the Goddess was pushed aside and replaced by strictly masculine Gods by male dominated societies for a number of reasons that we will not get into here. Needless to say, there is more to the Divine than meets our mortal eyes... and ideas.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


    It is true... for some of us it has been a long, cold winter. Spring has sprung and temperatures have yet to reach their normal high for more than a couple days at a time. Summer has not even begun yet and it seems it will be over before we know it. No one wants another cold and stormy winter too soon.

   But what is the good news in all of this? We're over half way to Halloween! Love that day!!!! :-)

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Monday, May 5, 2014


    There is wisdom in the moon, if only we will take the time to ponder its beauty.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Sunday, May 4, 2014


    Last week I was absent on the blog because I had taken a week of new study on the Tarot. The images on the cards are very rich and there is much there to delve into. The more one knows about the cards, the better his/her readings will be... 

    I have also been hard at work developing my own healing system that is akin to Reiki. I am very excited about this new venture and will probably write a book about it in the near future. As I worked on this new system, I wanted it to be something that could be used in healing but also in manifestation and magick works. I am looking forward to sharing more about this in the weeks ahead. It has been a worthwhile week of study, improving and creating!

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:


      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...