Friday, December 27, 2013


    Sometimes you just have to take ultimate responsibility for yourself...

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


    Happy Holidays to all and Merry Christmas! Even if you are not the Holiday type, celebrate yourself today and celebrate your connection with the Divine... There is so much to be thankful for and the greatest gift we have been given is the gift of life itself. It's not always easy, but it's always an adventure! So celebrate God, celebrate family and friends, celebrate the possibility of a better tomorrow! Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


    Many people have referred to the evening of December 24th as the night of nights; and in many ways they just might be right. Tis the eve of the birth of the Christ Child upon the earth, where man stumbled in darkness and had lost his way. But then that mysterious star appeared in the heavens and came to rest over a stable where the anointed messenger was born.

    In Metaphysics, the rising of the Christmas Star is the rising of your own consciousness. It is light being shed upon your thoughts that brings you a greater understanding of who you truly are. And who you truly are is the Christ child laying in the manger surrounded by the ethereal majesty of Heaven. Jesus was the son of God, but so are you! The Christ is the Spirit of God that filled and  expressed itself through Jesus as he grew in maturity and stature. That same Christ Spirit is within you, it is who you really are... it is the Divine spark within you.

    You do not have to be a Christian to benefit from the good news of the Christmas message; the Divine spark is within us all! Let the Christmas Star rise in your consciousness on this night of nights and take this Divine revelation into the New Year with you. You are a child of God and you do have the spiritual power and resources to change your life for the better. It matters not if you are alone this Holiday season or short on money or even depressed... What matters most at this moment is that the Christmas Star hovers over your personage and reminds you that God is with, in you and around you. And with God... nothing is impossible!

Monday, December 23, 2013


    It's the day before the night before Christmas; and no matter what Holiday we may celebrate at this time of year, we can all benefit from the spiritual significance of the season. Saturday, December 21st was the Pagan Yule, which was the longest night of the year. After Yule, the light of the sun slowly begins to increase upon the earth; the Sun God is reborn. On December 25th, many will celebrate the birth of Christ who is the great light that came into the world!

    Whatever your beliefs may be, the symbols and the celebrations can be very meaningful; there are dark times in all of our lives, but now is the time for the light to return and be reborn. How will you begin to bring more light into your life in the year to come? HAPPY LIGHT FILLED HOLIDAYS!

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Friday, December 20, 2013


    We must be careful when we choose to cast the first stone because most people will throw several back.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


    It's never too late to to start again. No matter what has happened, no matter where you have been, no matter who has hurt you or put you down. It matters not what you have lost or who has abandon you... every day presents the opportunity to make a fresh start; all you have to do is make the decision and open the door.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Monday, December 16, 2013


    It is truly touching when you see these pictures of animals laying by the graves of their masters who have passed away.. It seems that many animals are growing in consciousness themselves and becoming smarter and even more compassionate. I read a story a few weeks back about a dog that pulled another stray dog off of a busy road with traffic all around. Apparently, the dog in the road had been hurt and another dog saw it and went out and dragged it to safety. I don't know about anyone else, but these animals inspire me to be a better human being and to treat all God's creatures with love and respect.

Friday, December 13, 2013


    When people do you wrong, use you or hurt you; it is never a good idea to beat yourself up over it. It's the common reaction to always ask, "what did I do wrong?" But 99.9% of the time, the answer to that question will be... nothing. Some people just lack the ability to be loyal, decent, loving and kind. They prefer to be dishonest, cruel and mean spirited. It may be shocking and even hurtful when someone's true colors come out and they are not the person you thought they were. But in the end, was the person they really are the kind of individual you want around? And in realty, the one who used and hurt you should be the one you feel sorry for instead of yourself.

    People with false personalities only damage themselves in the end; they may laugh at their victims on their journey through life... But in the end, they sadly die alone, lamenting a life that was void of meaning and true love. 

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Thursday, December 12, 2013


    Don't let negative circumstances, people or  news deter you or cause you to stress out. Instead of letting toxic individuals or situations become blockages on the road of life, become fluid, and go around them like the waters of a river flow by the rocks in its path.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I believe that God is pure energy and consciousness and it has always been. People have asked the question, is the universe conscious of itself? I think it is and always has been even before there was a universe... just pure infinite consciousness.

And creation is that consciousness expressing itself in many individual ways.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


    Imagine this: You find out after all these years that Santa Claus is real. He's ticked off and now believes that the entire human race is naughty and plans to make us pay. Santa can visit every household on earth in a single night, and he plans do so and kill us all on Christmas Eve! Think about that... if Santa was a bad guy, he could wipe out the entire human race in one night!!!!

    So anyway, Santa is making his rounds... there's a state of emergency world wide. Old Saint Nick is eternal, indestructible and no one can figure out a way to stop him. And oh yeah, he's big and kind of scary looking; not the jolly old elf we've come to know and love by any means!

   So during all this mayhem, how do you spend your Christmas Eve?

   A. Waiting for Santa to come and give you the gift of death

   B. Running for your life

   C. Arming yourself to the teeth and hoping you could stop Santa

   D. Eating Christmas cookies and drinking Egg Nog and pretending everything is alright

   E. None of the above; all these options stink and you make your own plan


Monday, December 9, 2013


   Many people ponder where Buddha is right now; did he return to the dust of the earth, never to be seen again? Is he in some heavenly place helping mankind through a greater spiritual work? Some Buddhists believe in a Higher Power and an afterlife... others do not. But what is the truth of this matter?

   Buddha never spoke on the subject of heaven, God and the afterlife. To some, he said "Yes, there is a God and an afterlife." To others he said, there is not! He later told his followers that he did not contradict himself, but rather he spoke to each person according to what they believed the truth to be. Buddha even said that no one should believe what he said unless it resonated with his/her own common sense.

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” 
Gautama Buddha

    Therefore, Buddha left the bigger questions up to the individual. And there is no right or wrong answer as to where Buddha is right now. The more atheistic Buddhist will say, Buddha is gone, no more, non-existent. The more spiritual or mystical Buddhist will say that he still exists somewhere or is all around us in all things. The Buddhist who gives you a concrete, black and white "answer" to the question you pose is merely giving you their belief, on the said topic.... it does not make it so or true.

    I have studied Buddhism for over a year now, I find much light and truth in it. I also find much spiritual food for thought in the teachings of the Buddha. I for one, based on what I have read and my own life experience and studies... do not agree with those who constantly present Buddhism as an Atheistic philosophy. It can be an Atheistic philosophy for them, but for others it may not be.... Both are equal and true paths for the seeker of enlightenment.

    So, in my opinion and based on what I believe and the information I have gained in life that appeals to my personal common sense... I believe The Buddha is an ascended master, still doing important spiritual work in our world today. Even if that work is sitting outside our space time bubble and holding us in the light through eternal meditation.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Friday, December 6, 2013


    Many times we think anger will liberate or avenge us... but in the end, it only injures us.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Thursday, December 5, 2013


    Meditation really is a powerful thing; it can help heal the body, ease stress and bring great inner peace. Even spending ten minutes a day just being at one with the universe can make a big difference in the way you feel. Meditation is a worthwhile practice that yields many benefits!

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


    We have all made bad decisions in the past, trusted the wrong person or even made a fool of ourselves... but we learn from these things. Life is a school, and we're all here to mature and grow spiritually. There's no need to ever look back in regret or beat yourself up over some  mistake you have made. You may feel bad or like a jerk over something you said or did... good... that means you learned something and will not repeat that pattern. Now the trick is to go forward and be the wiser person you are today, not carrying the burden of yesterday's failures.        
Photo: Loose the guilt of your past and past mistakes whether it is deserved ( all ready done anyway) or imagined,  to have any type of positive life you need to lose this guilt becasue it will eventually weaken your immune system and make your physical body susceptible to illness or disease, unless it all ready has. if it has still need to lose the guilt of the pass so you can heal or the illness will not get worse. also this guilt (i call psychic debris) eventually keeps your frozen in the past and present...abide by the quote...if you have a problem doing this contact me........ of course if you do not have any guilt you are blessed and one of the few....      steve
For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


(Sometimes the blog just has to be light and humorous!)
    Christmas time is near again. And in just a few weeks many children in the world will be hanging their stockings and leaving sweet treats near the Xmas tree for Santa. One wonders if perhaps on a subconscious level, these treats are thought to entice Santa down our chimney and bribe him to leave gifts in exchange?

But now what aliens and alien abductions? Aren't aliens a little like Santa? They creep into our house at night when we're sleeping and.... well, you know? They fly through the night sky in some mystical craft that appear and disappear almost at will... And they can cover some serious ground in a short amount of time.

I have heard people say that they want to be abducted and others fear the experience. But what if we used this festive time of year to take the scare out of the abduction experience or even encourage one to take place?

What if we left cookies and milk out for our other worldly visitors? Maybe hung a stocking and decorated a tree with little light up UFO's? Maybe we could even leave an "abduction list" by the fireplace asking the aliens to swoop in and visit us during the night? What if we welcomed them into our home by leaving the chimney open and doors and windows unlocked? Then they wouldn't have to walk through the wall.

Think about it; what would the aliens do if they popped in and saw cookies and milk waiting for them; decorated trees and request lists of what we want from our abduction experience? What if instead of huddling in the covers in fear, they saw us sleeping with a giant candy cane in our grasp, smiling away?

Imagine their surprise if we left a little Christmas card on our nightstand thanking them for stopping by and tucking a five dollar bill inside as an offer of good faith. Sure, they probably have no use for our money, but maybe in another solar system it's a collectable!

Does this idea make you want to snuggle down for a long winter's nap, with visions of UFO's dancing in your head? Or does it make you even fear that St. Nick could be up to no good? After all, we don't even really know the guy!   
For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Monday, December 2, 2013


    The extended Thanksgiving holiday is over, and what have I learned? Too much food is not a good thing! Although I didn't overeat dramatically, I had a pretty steady over full and bloated kind of feeling. Which made me think; we always want excess in our lives, but moderate amounts of anything is always more healthy. As we begin a new month, maybe we should all think about what things we might cut back on in our lives... and it might not necessarily be food. With the gift giving season coming upon us, we might think about what we can give to others, rather than receive for ourselves.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:


      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...