Monday, September 30, 2013


    Some folks refuse to see what's right in front of them, others will not listen to any other opinion except their own. Some people see the world through very biased or one sided lenses and some will always claim to be right even if they are wrong. To be more open minded and willing to take a realistic look at ourselves is the mark of true humility and wisdom. Can we, at least for the day, take our blinders off and see that there are many dimensions to life, not just the one we exist in?

Photo: steve @

Get a psychic reading by Paul James Caiden at;

Friday, September 27, 2013


    Sometimes our dreams get delayed but that does not mean that they will not manifest. Faith is a powerful, spiritual force that can move mountains and even bring to us our hearts desires. Patience is the spiritual frame of mind that keeps us in a peaceful state of knowing while faith does its work.
Photo: This is so always keep the Faith and/or Patience .... steve @
For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


    You're family may have had problems; they may have been abusive, dysfunctional or filled with strife and dark secrets. But you are your own person and can choose to walk a different path. There is no need to pick up the mantle of troubles and behaviors and carry them into another generation. You can decide to break the cycle now and do things in a new and better way. No one controls your future but you; no one can decide what kind of person you will be but you. You can climb down out of the family tree and head in a new direction.

Get a psychic reading by Paul James Caiden at;

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


    Happiness or sorrow, peace or anxiety... It all starts within your own thoughts.

Photo: Let Go! ....steve @
For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Monday, September 23, 2013


    Why do some people have spiritual experiences and psychic visions, yet others do not? It's not that some people are more spiritually gifted than others or even more "good" than the next person. It really comes down to believing that you can have these experiences. If you believe you can and will, the mind and spirit respond by opening up like a flower to receive the light. If you think you cannot, your inner being will stay closed and not be able to see beyond our world of material substance. Our thoughts really do affect our reality.

“Nothing is impossible for him who believes." Jesus Christ 
Get a psychic reading by Paul James Caiden at;

Friday, September 20, 2013


    If you are not familiar with the band, It Bites, and there album The Tall Ships; then this is your lucky day. If you are a fan of melodic, progressive rock then you're even luckier. Today on the blog I am sharing a song called, Ghosts by It Bites... I love this tune and hope you will enjoy it as well. I'm thinking from now on, we'll keep Friday's light and fun. Now click on the link below and treat your ears to some cool prog rock!


Thursday, September 19, 2013


    I believe in a supreme, Divine Spirit. I believe that Spirit pervades all things; it is in the trees, the blades of grass, the rocks, the sky and in the air all around us. I believe that Divine Spirit is in me and in you... it fill and surrounds everything in the cosmos. If you want to talk to God, you don't have to go any further than your own backyard. If you want to sit at your kitchen table and have tea with the Divine Spirit, you can absolutely do that. God does not belong to any one religion or group of people. God is for everyone. God is not exclusive or condemning, nor does he/she dwell in buildings made of brick and stone. Right where you are, the Spirit is... so commune with and enjoy it in the way you see fit. You are one with it, it is not outside of you or in some far off place. God is as close as your next breath and your own consciousness.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


    A world without God is a world without hope. A world without hope is a world without peace. Religions crafted by man do not give mankind these things; only knowledge of the truth will bring us to that place where serenity rules the day. That great truth is buried deep in your soul like a treasure waiting to be discovered. All those ideas inside that ponder love, dream of tranquility and desire to reach for something higher than this world... that is the stairway to heaven within. Begin to climb it, and you will come face to face with the Divine.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Monday, September 16, 2013


    If you use people for material gain, then what have you really gained in the end? If you use people for emotional or even sexual reasons, then what is the worth of your endeavor? Any way you look at it, those who use others may sit alone and smile over their small victory; but that is just it, they are alone. The universe has a funny way of working things out, and none of us are immune to karma. People who use usually end up very lonely, bitter, regretful and have more problems and setbacks than any one person can bear. I have never seen it fail; perhaps it is because to purposely abuse and take from another human being is one of the most frowned upon actions by the higher powers that be. Either way, it never pays to be a user in the end. The small gains are not worth the consequences in the long run.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Friday, September 13, 2013


    Many people pray and ask God to change things; but what they don't realize is that God has given us the ability to make choices. If we're always waiting for some force to change the world or our circumstances from the outside in, nothing will ever really change. True change happens from the inside out.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Thursday, September 12, 2013


     When someone is overly toxic or abusive in our lives, it's okay to walk away. It is not your job, nor your duty to be beaten down, depressed and walked on. And it is not God's will that you stay around such individuals to learn some grand life lesson. The quote below says it all...  
Photo: Freedom comes when we stop letting people bring us down to their level. This is to be interpreted as some kind of elitist philosophy. It simply means having the awareness and discipline to not let other people put an imprint on your mind with their negative energy. 

Spirit Science and Metaphysics
Spirit Science

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:


Wednesday, September 11, 2013


     If everyone in the world held an incorrect view and said two plus two is now ten... would you agree with them just to fit in? Or would you stand up for the truth and risk the uncomfortable circumstances and ridicule? The truth will always be the truth; no matter how much some want to deny it, it doesn't make it invalid. Following the pack is not always the right thing to do... What truth will you stand up for today?

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


    Equinox of The Dead features two classic tales of the zombie apocalypse. There are no supermen or clever survivalists within these pages; only average human beings who must fight for their lives as hordes of the living dead begin to converge upon the earth. Stories include; WATCHING THE WORLD END, which takes us into the home of Ben Matthews, a paraplegic, as he witnesses the beginning of a ghastly Armageddon through televised news casts. As the reports grow more and more horrific, panic begins to set in; but with phone lines down and no way to call for help, Ben’s only hope is to pray that the undead terror will bypass his area . . . But then the horror begins to unfold, right outside of his own front door. UNDER A BERRY BLUE SKY shows that love can drive us to do strange things, even during a zombie apocalypse.
Buy your copy today at;


Monday, September 9, 2013


    My new book, Equinox of The Dead is now out and ready to haunt your mind for the coming Halloween season. This is my debut fiction book and consists of two short stories of the zombie apocalypse type. So if your a Romero fan or live for the walking dead, this one is for you! I tried to give these tales the classic zombie story feel that us living dead fans desire and demand. I am very proud of these tales, especially the one entitled; Watching the World End. I hope you will all follow the links below and purchase a copy today!



    Yesterday was the perfect September day to go Apple picking with the family. As we roamed the property of the quaint country farm and walked the rows of apple trees, I kept observing the peaceful landscape of the orchard all around us. At moments, I couldn't help but think how our inner being is much like the farmland that we were surrounded by. We can either take care of the fields within by rooting out negative thoughts and leaving room for the positive ideas to grow. Or we can do nothing, and let the weeds take over the terrain of our consciousness. Much like the farmer who works hard to keep his land clean, well kept and beautiful, so must we work to clear away the destructive mental attitudes that can liter our lives with depression, resentment and pessimistic attitudes.
(The peaceful country road by the orchard)
For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Friday, September 6, 2013


    Tomorrow is the first Saturday in September, that means the Halloween decorations will be going up. Yes, I'm one of those early Halloween decoration people. I used to wait until October to put them up; but in the town I used to live in, some folks would begin putting out their lawn scarecrows and window decorations at the end of August... Upon seeing this, and being a major Halloween lover, it revolutionized the time of year in which I break out the Halloween boxes. So tomorrow, we cross the threshold of Halloween!
For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Thursday, September 5, 2013


    So last night, I watched the latest Rob Zombie movie, The Lords of Salem, on Pay per view. I had high hopes for this movie because as usual, the preview looked really good. Getting into the movie, I noticed it had a late 1970's/early mid eighties feel to it. I could appreciate that someone would want to give their movie a more vintage horror feel; but in the end, the story just didn't make the grade. In all honesty, the script seemed to be written by someone who had a case of writers block and just forced the idea out onto the page. The Lords of Salem tried hard to be nightmarish, but in the end just ended up being very anti-climactic. It was one of those movies where you kept waiting for something to happen, but it never delivered the knock out punch. The concept had potential but was not executed in a way that made the movie memorable... Sadly, I have to say that The Lords of Salem was just okay but leaned more to the dull side.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


    Crowded beaches, busy streets and hot humid days. Summer is a wonderful season, but sometimes its hectic energy can frazzle all of our nerves. Much like life, the season can sometimes feel stifling, congested and overly busy... But now the autumn of life is upon us. The cool breeze soothes our skin as the early twilight lends serenity to our minds. The crickets and katydids serenade us and the changing colors warm our hearts with the seasons own special glow. This is the time for reflection, change and personal growth. As the old season falls away, mimic the coming cycle and ponder what things no longer serve you in life, and then gently discard them. It's time for the autumn state of mind.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


    Murder, rape, terrorist attempts to kill thousands, the use of chemical weapons: What posses a human being to devise such plans and then carry them out? I often wonder what makes it so difficult for some people to live in peace and respect others. Do not some people understand that we all reap what we sow. If we sow violence, we will reap violence, if we sow death, then death we shall reap. It never ends well for those individuals who seek to do harm to others. How many convicted killers have been sentenced to a life in prison, only to perish of some painful, terminal disease just years after being sentenced. No one is beyond the reach of karma. And those who seek to murder millions in the name of God; do they not understand the consequences of their actions? I do not believe in a literal hell, but then again I am quite sure that the rewards of the murderer are not the same as the monk after death. I certainly would not want to be the terrorist or insane dictator committing genocide and witness what they will see upon leaving the physical body. There are many people in the world today that need to think before they act. They need to realize that money and power will not save them in the end. Warped man made religions and military might will not cause them to escape the cosmic law of karma... In the words of Christ, "they know not what they do."
For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:


      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...