Friday, August 30, 2013


    The results of the week are in, and the winner of the blog title is... THE MIND'S EYE! It seems many of the folks who voted all had the same idea running through their heads.. Many said that the MIND'S EYE is the place that holds the picture of all my spiritual interests, ideas and aspirations; hence it covers all areas at once plus much more. I rather liked that thought, and so the blog returns to what it was in the beginning: Welcome to THE MIND'S EYE!

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Thursday, August 29, 2013


    "I don't believe it!" - Is a statement that can sometimes be uttered with wisdom and logic. But other times, it can prevent you from seeing the magic in life or a miracle from occurring.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


    Today let's take a vote and choose a name for the blog; as many already know, I like to play with the blog's title every now and then. The three names I really enjoy are: THE MIND'S EYE, THE NOCTURNAL MOONSCAPE and THE SPIRITUALIST REALM. Comment on this post or drop me an email to vote for your favorite blog title. Results will be revealed on Friday! Have fun!!!

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


    For some reason, I get in the mood to change the blog around at this time of year... I think I will revert back to what it was in the beginning; THE MIND'S EYE! The problem with me is that I have so many mystical interests and I always want the blog to reflect where I'm at in that particular moment in time. My foundation stone has always been metaphysics and the power of the mind... so this seems the sane route to take!  :-)


-Channeled message 8-27-2013 @ 6:55am-

    Don't fear what you don't understand. Rise in consciousness, seek divine guidance and dispel the shadows with the light of truth.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Thursday, August 22, 2013


    The spiritual masters and magicians of the past understood that our words and thoughts contain great power. They were very careful not to utter statements in haste or allow their thoughts to spiral out of control in a fearful direction. They knew that a word spoken or a thought pondered that was backed by high emotions, whether positive or negative, was like a seed planted in the person's life who released it. In the modern age, we could learn a lesson from those who came before us and not be so quick to let statements or imaginations just leap out of our mouths and minds in times of fear or stress. When we do this, we actually empower the negative circumstances and make them that much harder to overcome. Always remember this; emotion equals intent. Faith is no more than the powerful belief that something will come to pass that has not yet occurred. Thus fear is the powerful belief that something we dread will materialize in our lives. Thinking before we speak and cutting off those horrid little mental movies that run through our minds when circumstances are not as we would like them to be is over the half the battle. Master your words and your thoughts, and you will begin to master your life.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


    Many times when a relationship goes bad, such as someone cheating, becoming abusive or living a double life, the victimized person tends to blame themselves. They ask what they did wrong or think that the universe is punishing them for something they did in their past. This is not the proper way to think in such circumstances. We must realize, everyone has free will, and no amount of prayer, metaphysics or magick can change what a person truly is inside. When we pray or take some other spiritual action on the behalf of another, the Divine always reaches out to that person. They are presented with opportunity to change and better themselves; but ultimately it is up to the individual to reach back and take the steps necessary to mature and grow. We can never blame ourselves for the behavior of others or think we deserved some punishment or mistreatment. Sometimes the best thing we can do is walk away, let time heal our wounds and employ spiritual means to make our own life more the way we want it to be. There is nothing selfish about taking such actions, and it does not prohibit us from praying or using spiritual methods to help the person who hurt us in the first place. Self blame and self loathing are never the answer... but spiritual growth and understanding can help move us from a place of pain to a place of peace.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Monday, August 19, 2013


    August 19th; summer is getting old, and the chirping insects that herald a new season are singing their songs in the night. And those of us who live for the brief few months when the world is aflame with autumn's fire and the air is crisp and alive... it is time to emerge and haunt the dimming sunset.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Thursday, August 15, 2013


    Life is good, all you have to do is realize that all the trash that other people may try to litter your path with is just nonsense and misguided opinions. Remember, nothing can truly effect you unless you take ownership of it emotionally in a negative way. Try to keep your mind clear and offer logic, wisdom and understanding to those who may try to clutter your life with stress. Taking the higher road and not brawling in the psychological trenches with others will always win out over the low road. Life is good, so keep your path swept clean and enjoy it today!


For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at:

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


    Now you can get a psychic reading by yours truly at ..  Stop by and check out my profile by clicking on the link below, and maybe give a us a ring. See you on the psychic side!


Friday, August 9, 2013


    What you believe, you will receive. It would serve us all well to remember that as we read the quote below.
For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at: 

Thursday, August 8, 2013


    Imagine that there is a Divine Spirit that is truly all wise, all loving and understands you. Imagine there is no hell where souls are damned for making mistakes. Imagine the being that we call God is far outside the religions and concepts of man, and is far more approachable. Imagine that life is eternal and every soul has opportunity to learn until it is perfected. Imagine if all this were true, because it probably is closer to the truth than we realize.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at: 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


    There is no reason for hate; everyone is different and they have a right to be. To kill, defame or be prejudice against someone just because they look or believe differently than you do is a mark of spiritual immaturity and an uneducated mind. Think what a different world it would be if we eliminated all of the unreasonable hate in our societies.

Monday, August 5, 2013


    The message of being humble is prevalent throughout all of the worlds religions and spiritual paths. To be humble does not mean that we lay down and become a mud mat for the world to walk on; but rather to be humble and open to the powerful energies of the Divine to work wonders in our lives. When we become egotistic, self centered or view our selves as being above others, we can block the flow of the Universal Spirit in our lives. God is Life, and without that Life flowing to and through us, circumstances will begin to decay and spiral out of control. It is like a light trying to illuminate a room without being plugged into the source that gives it power. Be open, be self aware but never raise yourself so high above everyone else that you even ascend beyond the very mind of God. For it is then that your universe will begin to implode and crumble. Hence the old proverb; pride goeth before a fall.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at: 

Friday, August 2, 2013


    If life is a play upon a cosmic stage; then you are not only the star of the show, but also the writer and director. It doesn't matter how hard your character gets hit or what kind of tragedy may befall him or her; you can rise from the ashes like the phoenix and overcome adversity just like the heroes in the movies do. You can do this because you are not just a one dimensional being upon a silver screen; you are a spiritual being with the power to shape your own destiny and move mountains with your faith.

For psychic readings and other services from Paul James Caiden;
please visit the Fortuneteller's Parlor at: 


      Too many times in this world, we focus on all of the bad decisions others are making. From government officials, to those in big indus...